The practical performance assessments within the EWA qualification must relate to current work carried out in the UK so it can be properly verified and assessed on-site. Any previous overseas work experience cannot be used as credit towards or exemption from the EWA practical assessments.
It’s important that you ensure you can readily generate the current evidence required across the full scope of work detailed in the Skills Scan, and within the 18-month time period – before you register on the EWA.
Previous experience can, however, be taken into account in terms of the years of experience as a practising electrician, which is required in order to be eligible to register on the EWA. You will need:
- 5 years’ experience for Installation Electrician EWA or
- 3 years’ experience for the Domestic Electrician EWA.
More information on the non-UK qualifications process for ECS cards can be found on the ECS website.
In general, an overseas qualified and experienced person would go through the Ecctis (UK ENIC) electrotechnical mapping* (which maps against the knowledge units of the apprenticeship qualification), complete a documented or recorded technical discussion with the training provider to confirm that they have knowledge and work experience across the range of activity required, and then would need to be working in the UK to provide evidence for the practical assessments. Past evidence from overseas work cannot be accepted.
*please note the electrotechnical mapping and NOT the general mapping must be undertaken